Engaging Presentations that inform, engage, and connect your team.

Themes of Expertise

  • Engaging underserved communities in services

    Learn how to create and nurture collaborative partnerships that can lead to successful outcomes for underserved communities. Position yourself as a community advocate by implementing these research-based strategies to foster engagement.

  • Latinx Identity Talks

    These are a series of talks with an in-depth look at the rich diversity that exists among Latinx communities living in the U.S. Topics include the following and can be presented individually or as a series.

    • Contextualizing the rich diversity of the Latinx experience in the U.S.

    • Hispanic, Latino, Latinx, Chicanx: Getting acquainted with the labels

    • Culturally-held values and their impact on everyday interactions

    • Positionality: Power, privilege, allyship, and the Latinx community

  • Psychological Constructs

    Promoting the well-being of an organization starts with the leadership team! Build capacity and prevent burnout among employees by offering opportunities to learn and put to practice strategies that can promote a healthy lifestyle and work environment for everyone. Topics discussed in this series include:

    • Preventing Vicarious Trauma

    • Developing a multidimensional and value-aligned self-care routine

    • Leading with intention & inclusivity in mind